Last Updated on April 13, 2022
Video is one of the most powerful methods for increasing exposure and leads for an online business. This is mainly due to the fact that there is simply too much content already out there, and people want visuals with instant gratification.However, at the same time, it’s important to know what is the purpose of an explainer videos and animated videos format for your message and audience.
Two of the most effective formats to choose from are Whiteboard and Explainer Videos. It’s been proven time and time again that these types of videos perform much better than someone on the screen (talking head videos).
We all have our reasons for why such videos work better, but we also wanted to survey some of the internet’s best video producers, marketing experts, and content creators to get their input — all of which you will find below.
Why do you think whiteboard and explainer videos work so well? (vs. traditional talking heads)
The reason that this content strategy has such good results is that people can bond better with a person they hear and see. When you use a whiteboard, you remind viewers of a teacher. It gives a sense of authority.Although videos and podcasts are very popular nowadays, they won’t replace written content anytime soon. There are a lot of internet marketers that don’t blog in their native language. When you write a post you can use a tool to correct the typos, ask a friend to proofread or hire an editor so your grammar looks impeccable. When you are recording a video, you can’t.
Also, the type of content that works best depends a lot on the audience. Explainer videos in front of a whiteboard would be very unusual for bloggers in niches like fashion, parenting, fitness or for eCommerce sites that sell physical products. This type of video works best for theoretical topics, especially for bloggers that sell digital info products.
My advice is to focus on your audience, test multiple types of content and see what works best for you.
- Minuca Elena of

- Zac Johnson of

- Bill Gassett of

- Ryan Biddulph of Blogging from Paradise

- Brenda S. Stoltz of Ariad Partners
We have used explainer videos from the beginning to show prospects what we can do for them. Explainer videos tend to be more memorable and use a variety of imagery to capture and keep the attention of the viewer.
We also keep our videos to 60-seconds or less. Doing so forces us to get to the point and explain what we do quickly. If it takes longer, there are probably a few ways you can cut it down to the very essence.
I see a lot of whiteboard and explainer videos that try to say too much and in too much detail. Remember, the job of the explainer video is simply to give the viewer enough information to know they want more, not to explain everything your company or product does.
As a founder, I knew that I was not the most exciting and engaging person to explain what we do. A script and a voiceover would do a much better job of outlining the benefits of what we do. Unless you are known among your friends as “Mr. or Ms. Personality,” leave it to the experts.
- Tim Bourquin of

- Ana Hoffman of
If I had to give just one reason for why whiteboard and explainer videos are working better now today than ever before, I would have to say mobile. With more people now relying on mobile devices to scour the internet, it all comes down to video and instant gratification.
While also looking at mobile, we can see that video is the advertising and persusasive platform of choice as well. A perfect example of this can be see through in-app advertising and how Facebook continues to show more mobile video ads vs. regular text/website ads.
With all of this in mind, video is the way to go — but you still need to decide between explainer or talking heads. If you are building a personal brand or want to gain trust from your audience, putting your face on the screen is definitely a great way to go. However, if you want to increase sales or simply use video on a landing page, explainer videos have proven to work extremely well time and time again.
Brandon Johnston –

- Marcus Miller of

- Ted Rubin of

But when you want to do anything in depth and get across any information, it’s best to use some combination of images. A talking head narrator is fine as part of something more interesting. Does this work? Well, watch the news. Who wants to see just a talking head news anchor? The narrator should always be just a small part of the overall images.Here’s a great example of how we combined talking heads and animation and costumes for a little extra punch.
- David Leonhardt of

- Allan Pollett of
Whiteboard and explainer videos are simply one of the most effective ways to deliver your message to an audience in the shortest amount of time possible. This is why you are seeing more brands and businesses using explainer videos on their main page as the first form of content their audience will see. Explainer videos deliver information at a much faster rate than text or graphic content, while also making for a more personal and engaging experience in the process.
- Karsten Böhrs –

- M. Shannon Hernandez, Founder of The Writing Whisperer

- Brittany Bearden of
People learn in many different modalities. If you were to think back to how you learned in grade school.
Seeing, writing, and hearing were the main modes I personally learned. If you split tested whiteboard/explainer videos in a grade school level of grade 6 you will find you will have to break down information for easier consumption.
What that does is help your prospect really understand what solutions you provide and seeing diagrams, graphics, and figures drive it home versus just someone talking to you.
- Lawrence Tam of

- Kristel Staci of Marketing Infographics
Whiteboard videos are working really well for a lot of brands and businesses online right now. Being in the web design and graphic design space, we are seeing a great demand for these videos and explainer videos as well. The funny thing about this type of content creation, is everyone wants one, but they don’t know how to create one for themselves. This means a lot of work actually goes into the design and creation process for this — such as coming up with a script, doing illustrations, voice over work and also coming up with a call to action that engages with your audience. In short, explainer and whiteboard videos work extremely well… just make sure you know what you are getting into before jumping head first into the project.
- Caitlyn Stevenson –
I have not yet used a whiteboard video for my own online business, but I should.
There’s been plenty of research done by professionals of psychology that show how whiteboard videos are more effective than talking head videos. Dr. Richard Wiseman has conducted studies that demonstrate whiteboard videos can deliver a 22% increase in memory retention vs. a talking head type of video.
Stats like this make you stop and go whoa! Wait a minute…
Whiteboard videos look and feel much more fun than most talking head vids and are so good at holding people’s attention, it is a wonder they are not used more than they already are.
- Matthew Kaboomis Loomis of

- Lilach Bullock of

- Mike Allton of The Social Media Hat

- Felix Tarcomnicu of Cross Promo

- Maxwell Ivey of

- Arman Assadi of
The biggest problem you have today in trying to market to anyone is getting and keeping their attention.
Whiteboard explainer videos seem to do this very well, because you don’t know what is coming next and the bombardment of imagery keep people from getting bored.
When you just have talking heads, you really have to focus and you can be easily distracted.
Explainer videos offer novelty and visual stimulation, which is essential to get enough attention to actually deliver your message.
- John Sonmez of
Every Brand or Business Needs to Use Online Video!
It’s easy for us to tell you how important it is to use video within your online branding and marketing efforts, however, after seeing all of the expert thoughts, opinions and tips above, you should now understand it’s importance even better!
The great thing about online video production (especially explainer video production and whiteboard video production), is that you never even need to get in front of the camera. This eliminates the need to insecurities, shy spokespersons and also additional costs of hiring an actor or voice over. This is where explainer video company like comes into play, thus making the process of creating a professional video for your business or brand a breeze, while also not taking up your whole budget in the process.
To learn more about this process or to have a video designed for your brand, click here to contact Animated Video today!