Bounce rate is a real problem with website owners. You build a great site that truly reflects your brand. You’ve already created an awesome graphic logo for your site, lots of great quality content, and even some amazing explainer...
Online video is quickly taking over as a priority for both content creators, businesses, brands, and individuals around the world. More people are watching online video now than ever before. At the same time, attention spans are growing shorter and...
Do you have a sales flyer that has created revenue or attention for your brand in the past? If so, you may want to consider using it in an animated version as well. The repurposing of previously used sales...
In this post, we will talk about how to write a good animation script that sells. It’s not that you want to sell your script to Hollywood or anything, but you do want to create a very good script...
Did you know that business people like to watch cartoons too? It sounds funny, we are aware. But it’s true. The statistics show that creating an animated video for your corporate video may help you to increase your level...
Trademarking is a process that businesses do to “brand” something. This is usually reserved for products and usually, has more to do with a company name than a product or media project. If you plan to create video content...
How many times have been you browsing through your favorite YouTube channels and wished you could capture to mp3 so that you could listen to the audio only? Maybe it’s a great sales presentation that you want to keep...
Do you have a YouTube channel or website where you feature video? Are you feeling like your videos lack something or are you looking for ways to increase your views? In this post, we will take a look at...
Do you use video presentation software in your business? Chance are, you do. Video presentations are a key element to your corporate meetings, staff collaborations, and B2B meetings. Above all, you need your video message to be interesting and...
Do you have a static graphic or caricature logo that you want to bring to life with animated video? Have you had good results from your caricature graphic on your website or other locations? Caricatures are popular for logos...