Video ads have the best impact on your audience. There are some reasons for this. One reason is that video ads are visual and people connect with visual content much faster than other types of content such as text alone or...
If you want to increase your audience for your brand, one of the best things you can do is to use social media to boost your message. With an excellent video that has a strong call to action, you can...
Facebook ads are a great way to generate new traffic with your target audience, promote your brand with specific products and services and increase your brand presence. Facebook ads take your Facebook presence and take it a step further. You...
Do you have a video on your website that you want to promote? Video on a website has been known to improve the success of a website simply by having a video that visitors can click on when they...
Wondering how does Social Media Marketing and Word of Mouth marketing connect? Many believe social media marketing is the digital form of Word of Mouth marketing. Word of mouth on social media can prove to be an excellent advantage...
Instagram was introduced in 2010, and since then it has never looked back. Its fondness among the mass has been rising steadily, still doing and will continue to do for future as well. It has a whopping 500 million...
2017 is high time to broaden your social media marketing reach beyond Facebook ad Twitter. It is true that Facebook and Twitter should always remain on top of your list, but social media marketing has more to it. Tumblr...
Video is totally dominating it on social media. Facebook videos are enjoying massive success as they are shared 7 times more often than general posts, 10 billion videos are watched over Snapchat every day. It is also true that...
Have you started out on Instagram yet? If not, then you are missing out big time on the high end marketing edge it has to offer. Instagram rapidly surmounted its first imprint as a fun app for posting photos...
Snapchat has taken the world by storm. With its unique “click and send” technology that is built into the Snapchat app, users all over the world enjoy seeing moments “in the now” that they want to send to friends...