
We do everything in our capacity to make each Animated video project an absolute winner. You receive multiple samples, Several revisions, great customer service and a commitment to excellence that combine to produce stellar Animated Video.

'' offers an unrivaled 100% money back guarantee on service of Animated video production . If you aren't satisfied with our work, we will refund every penny you spent on your Animated video. We don't subtract any processing fees and we don't make you jump through hoops. If you don't like it, you get your money back.

If you aren't happy with the Animated Video itself or if you aren't happy with the Production process, you simply need to advise us of that fact during the various stages of production of your Animated video. We will work and revise till you are 100% satisfied. Or else, if you opt to exercise your rights under the guarantee, we will refund your money with NO Administrative Charges deducted whatsoever. It's that simple.

There are a few exceptions, and although it is very unlikely you will want to make use of our guarantee policy, you should understand those rare conditions under which we can't provide a refund:

  • If you have already confirmed or approved the acceptance of a video, we cannot provide a refund. Your approval represents an acceptance of the final project and serves as an implicit statement of satisfaction.
  • If you have failed to communicate with us for more than sixty days, any refunds will be at the discretion of 'Animated' management.
  • If the company for whom the Animated video was produced should close, change its name, or undergo other alterations rendering a video ill fitting, we cannot issue a refund.
  • Once you have taken final delivery.

Other Animated video production companies may claim to offer a guarantee, but they offer only fine print riddled with loopholes and hidden fees. Our policy is straightforward. If you aren't happy, just tell us during the production process and we will take care of you.

Our liability is limited to the payment received from you against the project. In case you cancel a project we will have the right to sell or use the Videos shown to you as we may deem fit.

Should the Customer receive a refund, he/she acknowledges that he/she will have no right (express or implied) to use any basic concept or other work product, content, or media, nor any ownership interest in or to the same. The Copyright remains with us and you are NOT allowed to use our videos even as reference.

If you have any additional questions about our guarantee policy, please feel free to ask.


We are easily reachable and all ears to you

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